How on Earth can we make disastrous meringues tasting good? Well, with this recipe you can! They are very very good and inspired by the Italian biscuits called brutti ma buoni :-) Ugly by good! Which is totally true! Even more true that you can imagine! Try them, you need only 15’ for preparing on top of making the homemade sweet lemon confit !
In two words:“White like the snow on the mountains.
White as the moon in the middle of the clouds”.Chinese Poetry
difficulty – easy
preparation- 15'
cooking - 5’ (to cook the meringue a bit on a double-boiler) + 30’ (in the oven for the biscuits)
serves - 8
- 70gr of caster sugar
- 1 large egg (only the white)
- 65gr of homemade sweet lemon confit maison
- the zest of one lemon
- The day before prepare the homemade sweet lemon confit maison
- The same day, you need to preheat the oven at 180°C for at least 20’
- Just before starting the biscuits slow down the oven temperature at 140°C
- Add in a bowl the egg white and a little bit of salt
- Dice the lemon confit in small cubes
- Zest the lemon in a small bowl
- Starting beating the egg white with a hand electric mixer; when peaks are starting to form add slowly the sugar and continue beating after each addition
- Add the lemon zest and continue to beat
- Add the sweet lemon confit cubes and stir in gently with a rubber spatula
- Place the bowl on top of a double-boiler and continue to stir gently for 5’ with the rubber spatula in order to cook the meringue a little bit
- Once the 5’ are over, put some parchment paper over a baking tray
- Form with a tablespoon 8 meringue biscuits
- Bake for 30’
- Take the biscuits out of the oven and let them cool completely
- The same day you can eat them as biscuits that are moist but the following days you will need a teaspoon to eat them
- Really good! A bit ugly but still good!
My recipe of Meringue Italian biscuits with spices and dried fruits that is inspired on its turn from an Italian recipe in a book with Italian desserts :)
o-o C'est si bon ! o-o
- Categories: Vegetarian Food, Special Food, Desserts, Recipes
- Ingredients: lemon, eggs, caster sugar