This millefeuille full of végétales and goat cheese just glorifies beetroot! The rounds of beetroot are just slightly fried in a pan and then covered with goat cheese (Chavignol goat cheese or crottin de Chavignol), a bit of honey and thyme and to glorify everything just a little bit of roasted hazelnuts! It’s just incredible and very easy to make! So why aren’t you just doing it and add some affordable luxury in your everyday life?
To your pans asap!
In two words:
“True victory, the one that places the whole world under our feet, it’s our faith”.
Jacques Bénigne Bossuet, Oraison funèbre de Louis de Bourbon, Prince de Condé
To Start...
difficulty – easy
cooking - 5’ (into the oven) + 2’ (under the grill) + the time to slightly fry beetroots
serves - 2
- 200gr of beetroot already cooked and of small size
- ½ clove of garlic of medium size
- 10gr of hazelnuts
- 2 + ½ teaspoons of olive oil
- 1 piece of goat cheese of type crottin de Chavignol
- 2 teaspoons of liquid honey
- a bit of thyme
- 2 pinches of fleur de sel or coarse salt
- 10 turn mills of Kampot black pepper
- Preheat the oven at 180°C
- Slice the beetroots in rounds of 0,5cm of width
- Slice the goat cheese in rounds of 2mm of width
- Slice the garlic in very small dices
- Mettez les noisettes dans un plat allant au four et torréfiez-les 10’ ; laissez refroidir
- Heat-up a small sauce pan
- Add ½ teaspoon of olive oil
- Add the dices of garlic and stir until they become a bit brown but not burned
- Add 2 teaspoons of olive oil in a large pan and turn the heat on
- Place the rounds of beetroot into the pan, once the oil is hot
- Cook until the side face down changes color and at this moment turn it over
- Cook again all rounds whose sides are not yet cooked until they change color
- Start again cooking the rounds the same way which means that they will be cooked twice at each side
- At the end, you are going to smell the beetroot and there will be a small crust covering both faces of the beetroot rounds
- Placez une couche de rondelles sur un plat allant au four ; au total il y aura deux couches
- Sprinkle cooked garlic dices on top in a way that each beetroot rounds has some garlic on top
- Add one pinch of salt and 5 turn mills of pepper on the surface top
- Place the rounds of goat cheese on the beetroots to form one layer; there will be only 2 layers of goat cheese
- Pour on top of the goat cheese 1 teaspoon of honey in a way that every slice of goat cheese has some honey on top
- Sprinkle some thyme
- Place the 2th layer of beetroot on top of the 1st layer of goat cheese
- Add 1 pinch of fleur de sel or coarse salt
- Place the 2th layer of goat cheese
- Pour the 2th teaspoon of honey on top of the beetroots in a way that honey covers every slice of goat cheese
- Add 5 turn mills of pepper
- Once the hazelnuts are cold, rub them between your fingers to remove their skin
- Chop them roughly with a knife
- Sprinkle hazelnuts on top of the millefeuille
- Cook for 5’ until the cheese melts
- Cook for another 2’ under the grill to give the millefeuille some color
- Get a bite! It’s just a marvel :-)
- Enjoy!
o-o C'est si bon ! o-o
- Categories: Vegetarian Food, Special Food, Veggies, Recipes
- Ingredients: garlic, beetroot, crottin de Chavignol, olive oil, honey, noisettes, thyme