Choose among articles about books, TV series, recipes from others that I like, tips for a light and healthy cuisine, tips about how to follow and succeed a diet plan or the maintain of weight-loss, articles about ridiculous persons that makes us laugh, and other ideas that worth to be spread and shared but also enjoy the colors in a mandalas collection that I colored with my own hands and with the deepest of my thoughts :-) the book the book, because it’s good to have another medium for solo food’s recipes !

Top 10 of recipes for 2022
“War, is the war of men; peace, it’s the war of ideas”
Victor Hugo

The shop
Découvrez la boutique de solo food chez society6 avec une multitude de tirages et d’objets artistiques populaires ! Mais aussi 2 livres pour solo food comme vous les trouverez en ebooks sur amazon kindle!