This cake with almond paste and honey is so moist and full of perfumes thanks to orange blossom and olive oil! It’s just marvelous :) it suits extremely well all moments with an infinite delicacy! Try it and you will see ;)
In two words:“We are never at home, we are always beyond”.
Montaigne, Essais
I continue to publish posts in this section, where I present other people recipes that I make without changing a lot with this cake with almond paste that I found at the blog ALTER GUSTO. It’s one of my favorite cakes because it’s really easy to make, extremely moist and very well perfumed thanks to orange blossom which I discovered here in France and that I like a lot.
Ingredients are: almond paste, liquid honey, orange zest, olive oil, orange blossom, almonds powder and almonds.
For the English version of the post (because the recipe is in French), I add here a small summary containing the order we incorporate ingredients using an electric hand mixer: almond paste, honey, orange zest, eggs, orange blossom, and finally add the almond powder with a rubber spatula; at the end we sprinkle the cake with bits of almonds (skin removed) on top.
In the original recipe, Carole Albouy (the blog’s owner) says that we can also use butter instead of olive oil but I always made this cake using olive oil because it gives a special perfume to the cake. I also use a silicon rectangular mold in order to avoid extra butter for the mold and the cake bakes really well in it.
It’s a cake I served in a New Year’s Eve and everybody was thrilled! They found it extremely good :) I should have told Carole but it’s never too late because now that I have my own blog, I publish a post dedicated to this cake because it really worth it.
In fact Carole’s blog is very good and it’s a source of inspiration for me, I really recommend it, even for people that do not speak French because an automatic translator can do the job ;)
Your turn to make this cake and you will see that you won’t be disappointed!
Bien à vous,
o-o C'est si bon ! o-o