Green salad with semolina garlic and Xérès vinegar

Green salad with dried garlic flakes and Xérès vinegar

A beautiful salad with mesclun, corn salad, red oak salad and a secret ingredient called semolina garlic! It’s a French ingredient and it’s so flavorful that perfumes the salad wonderfully, if you don’t find it try dried garlick flakes maybe it’s good also :-) Furthermore, the Xérès vinegar (you can add a red wine vinegar) gives it some extra punch and here you go with plenty of energy!

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Gâteaux grecs de Noël au miel et aux épices - melomakarona

Greek Christmas cookies with honey and spices (melomakarona)

The melomakararona are traditional Greek biscuits that are served during Christmas in Greece! Everybody in Greece stresses on how to soak them into honey but this recipe is simple and straightforward! Nothing to fear and the result is extra good and tasteful! They are flavored with cinnamon and cloves and the honey is simply amazing! On top you will find some walnuts for some extra flavor and taste  Give them a try, they are very unusual but so good!

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