Gâteaux grecs de Noël au miel et aux épices - melomakarona

Greek Christmas cookies with honey and spices (melomakarona)

The melomakararona are traditional Greek biscuits that are served during Christmas in Greece! Everybody in Greece stresses on how to soak them into honey but this recipe is simple and straightforward! Nothing to fear and the result is extra good and tasteful! They are flavored with cinnamon and cloves and the honey is simply amazing! On top you will find some walnuts for some extra flavor and taste  Give them a try, they are very unusual but so good!

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Chicken with sage and spices

Chicken with sage and spices

This chicken thigh with sage does not have the usual taste thanks to spices (ginger, paprika and Cayenne pepper)! It’s so special and different that will surprise you! Its cooking method is so simple but so good that guaranties some caramelized veggies at the end :-) It’s ideal for a cheap and easy meal to celebrate Christmas or other even special occasions :-)

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