Cinnamon splash!

This cute dessert with a British name is very good and very easy to make :-) The “crêpe” style dough is garnished with dry fruits, walnuts and honey and of course cinnamon as the name of the dessert indicates! I have included another variance in which I have introduced as well an apple diced in small cubes. I often eat this dessert at breakfast in order to start the day the best way I can :-) Make it and tell me all about it!

In two words:

“Whatever he does in the shadows and during the night, I exist, - and to defeat Him I have all the time that’s left for me to live on this Earth”.

To Start...

difficulty easy
preparation– 5’
cooking - 2’-3’
serves - 1  


for the dough

  • 1 rounded tablespoon of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of caster sugar
  • 50ml of cold water

for the filling

  • 3 teaspoons of black dried raisins
  • 10gr of walnuts
  • 1 + ½ liquid honey or a bit of sugar or coconut syrup for vegan people (*)
  • a bit of cinnamon

to bake

  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil or a bit of butter

option #1 – for garnishing

  • 1/8 of an apple diced in small cubes


for the dough

  • Whisk in a bowl with a whisk or a teaspoon:
    • the flour
    • the sugar
    • the water
  • You need to whisk well in order to obtain a fine dough without lumps as in a crêpes dough

for baking

  • Heat up a nonstick pan
  • Add the olive oil or the butter
  • Pour the dough and try to form a disk that is not very thick, almost like a crêpe
  • Bake for 2’-3’ and return the dough at half times

to bring everything together

  • Place the cooked dough into a plate
  • Spread diagonally the dried raisins
  • Spread the crashed walnuts on top of the raisins
  • Pour the liquid honey on top all over the garnish or just sprinkle some sugar
  • Sprinkle a twist of cinnamon on top
  • Dégustez en pliant la galette comme une crêpe ! Trop bon !

option #1 – for garnishing

  • Once you have placed the dried raisins and the walnuts, spread all over the apple diced in small cubes
  • Finish-up garnishing with cinnamon and enjoy! Very good also :)

What’s the story behind this dessert?

This dessert is called in Greek tiganites or τηγανίτες and usually the dough contains whist and is baked into a lot of olive oil; they are the Greek pancakes. I prefer this light version that resembles a lot in texture to French crêpes but they don’t have either egg or milk. So it’s 100% vegan dish dessert if you use olive oil to bake the dough. Of course, I bake them using just a little bit of fat and I garnish them with dried raisins, apple, honey (or sugar or even coconut syrup) and I sprinkle them generously with cinnamon and that’s where the name of the dessert comes from. You need to taste it as crepes with a filling!

It’s a cute dessert that I often eat at breakfast, especially when I don’t have croissants :-) It’s very simple and very good! Try it and tell me all about it :-) 

(*) if your honey becomes a bit hard, you just need to heat it up for a little bit as to make it liquid again

o-o C'est si bon ! o-o

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