A presentation of different columns I write on various topics. Presenting a site or a blog that I liked, a news topic that I want to comment or sharing an opinion. It’s a place to publish and share topics that nourish and challenge our minds as well as our taste on food :)

solofood.fr: the book
solofood.fr the book, because it’s good to have another medium for solo food’s recipes !

Top 10 of recipes for 2022
“War, is the war of men; peace, it’s the war of ideas”
Victor Hugo

The shop
Découvrez la boutique de solo food chez society6 avec une multitude de tirages et d’objets artistiques populaires ! Mais aussi 2 livres pour solo food comme vous les trouverez en ebooks sur amazon kindle!

Recipes for One – Top chrono 30 minutes
Easy recipes for one ready in 30 minutes! Why order take out?

Top 10 of recipes for 2021
“He sensed tensed everywhere, he had an unlimited freedom but he felt oppressed; the world was like a prison to him. His departure for Greece was not a decision taken voluntary; it was imposed to him because he disagreed with the world”.

Solo food manifesto
« Prends soin de toi parce que personne ne le fera à ta place » — Dimitra Coutsoyannis