Filet mignon with prunes and caramelized apples

This filet mignon with prunes and caramelized apples is a pure delight! It’s perfect for the holiday’s season, or even for dinner among friends, it’s a generous and refined dish! Having caramelized apples as a side dish, gives an exceptional twist to this dish, and it is worth to taste it alone or with company! Go ahead and make it to see for yourselves!

In two words:

“To speak clearly and without parables,
We are the pieces of the game, played by the Sky;
We are having fun on the chessboard of Being,
And then, we go back one by one in the box of Nothing”.

To Start...

difficulty easy
preparation- 15’ + 1h for the prunes in the red wine
cooking - 40’ (for the meat) et 20’ (for the caramelized apples)
serves - 4 parts for the meat et 2 parts for the caramelized apples  



for the meat

  • 1 filet mignon
  • 200gr of dry pitted prunes
  • 1 cup of red wine
  • ½ cup of cognac
  • 1 medium size onion
  • 1 small leek
  • 1 + ½ Tbsp of flour
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 5 allspice berries
  • a bit of thyme
  • 8 teaspoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of fleur de sel or coarse salt
  • 20 turn mills of Kampot black pepper

for the apples

  • 3 small apples
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid honey
  • 25gr of unsalted butter
  • 100ml of hot water


for the meat

  • Place the prunes into the red wine and let it rest for 1h
  • Peel the onion and slice it in small dices
  • Cut and remove the bottom and the green part of the leek
  • Slice the leek in small rounds of equal size
  • Slice the filet mignon in rounds thick of 2 to 3 cm
  • Heat-up a cast iron sauté pan or of similar technology
  • Add the onion and stir without oil until it starts to shine and lose its crunchiness
  • Add the olive oil and stir in the onion
  • Add the leek and stir with the onion until the rounds are separated and lose their crunchiness
  • Remove the veggies from heat
  • Cover with flour the rounds of meat all over, one by one, before placing them into the sauté pan
  • Stir the meat until it get some color all over
  • Add the veggies and stir
  • Add the wine (without the prunes) and the cognac
  • Once the alcohol evaporated, add:
    • the thyme
    • the bay leaf
    • the salt
    • the pepper
    • the allspice berries
  • Stir everything together
  • Low down the heat and put the lid on
  • Cook for 30’ but check during the cooking the liquids level, if it starts to stick, add a little bit of hot water and stir
  • Once the 30’ are over, add the prunes, stir and cook another 15’ with the lid on
  • It’s delicious!
  • Serve with caramelized apples
  • Enjoy!

for the caramelized apples

  • Wash and peel the apples
  • Slice them in half and then in vertical stripes
  • Dilute the honey into the hot water
  • Heat-up a pan and add the butter
  • Once the butter is melted, add the apples
  • Let them caramelize a little in one side, and then on the other side
  • Put the lid on and let cook a little bit
  • Add the honey and let caramelize again both sides with the lid on at each side
  • Once the time of cooking is over, remove the apples from heat

to bring everything together

  • Add in a dish the meat, the prunes, a little bit of sauce, and the caramelized apples
  • Simply delicious!
  • It’s up to you!


A recipe with pork and prunes in the Greek book Βλάχου Καίτη, Οι συνταγές των συντακτών, Εφημερίδα των Συντακτών, Αθήνα, 2017.

o-o C'est si bon ! o-o

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