Chocolate Dessert with Cognac

This chocolate dessert with Cognac is really moist and super tasteful! The taste of Cognac adds a lot of flavor to the dessert and it’s a wonderful treat for every situation because it’s easy to make! Give it a try, but stay reasonable while eating it because there are a lot of calories out there ;-)

In two words:

“Truth is so obscure nowadays, and lies well established, that only when you love truth, you will be able to recognize it”

To Start...

difficulty easy
preparation– 45’
cooking - 1h
serves - 8 big parts (a pan of 20cm of Ø)  


  • 190gr of very dark chocolate (71%)
  • 190gr of butter at room temperature
  • 190gr of caster sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 4 large eggs
  • 75gr of almond powder
  • 150gr of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 25gr of breadcrumbs
  • 75ml of Cognac


before starting

  • The day before (or many hours before starting) take the butter out of the refrigerator so that is softens

for the cake

  • Preheat the oven at 180°C
  • Coat with butter a pan and sprinkle the breadcrumbs all over its surface
  • Remove the excess of breadcrumbs
  • Melt the chocolate in a double-boiler, and let it cool down a little bit
  • In a bowl, add:
    • the flour
    • the baking powder
  • Stir everything together with a whisk
  • Pass the mix through a sieve
  • In another bowl, add the butter and start beating with an electric hand mixer
  • Add the sugar, little by little, and continue to beat for at least 10’
  • Add the eggs, one-by-one, and continue to beat until they are well absorbed
  • Add the vanilla extract, and continue to beat
  • Add the melted chocolate, and continue to beat
  • Add the almond powder, and continue to beat
  • Add the flour, in batches, and continue to beat
  • Pour the mix into the pan, and smooth its surface
  • Bake for 1h, at the end, a knife must be taken out clean when inserted in the middle of the cake (if the surface of the cake starts to burn, cover it with some aluminum foil)
  • Once the cake out of the oven, pour the Cognac all over its surface
  • Let it cool down, and then taste it!
  • Simply delicious!


The recipe of Gâteau de Malou in the French book Felder Christophe, Le chocolat de Christophe Felder, Editions Minerva, Geneva, 2002, p. 22

o-o C'est si bon ! o-o

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