Horseradish sauce

I did not know about horseradish, I had heard about it but never try it. I decided to learn more when I made the Maryland fried chicken , where they suggest to eat the chicken with the horseradish sauce, and that’s how I decided to make it! And it’s very simple to make and delicious, if you like strong tastes :-) I look around and found various recipes in American sites, but they used mayonnaise or heavy cream! I wanted a light version, so I tried my fetish product in France the sheep fromage blanc which is like Greek yogurt, and it worked. So in the English version of the recipe, I suggest you use Greek yogurt, preferably low in fat, and if you find with sheep’s milk because it’s the best! Try this version, it’s light and very tasteful, and I can imagine that it can be eaten with other fried food, at least I would with great pleasure! You need to refrigerate the sauce before eating it, and keep it in the fridge to stock.

In two words:

“But I, I will come before your eyes with the only justice, and I will be full only when you reveal your glory”.

To Start...

difficulty easy
cooking -  no need
serves - 2  


  • 1 tablespoon of grated horseradish
  • 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt (low in fat if possible and with sheep’s milk)
  • a pinch of fleur de sel or coarse salt
  • 1 pinch of strong mustard (like Dijon)


  • Wash and peel the horseradish
  • Grate the horseradish
  • Add the Greek yogurt
  • Add the salt
  • Stir with a teaspoon
  • Add the mustard
  • Stir
  • Ready!
  • It’s really good but not intrusive
  • :-)

What’s the story behind this recipe?

To be eaten with the Maryland fried chicken ! Simply delicious!

o-o C'est si bon ! o-o

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