Welcome Jean-Luc Picard back to your life even if he is on Amazon Prime video. I know I did :) and I was not disappointed!
In two words:« …where no one has gone before… ».
Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek The Next Generation
I have resisted Amazon for years at joining its Amazon Prime loyalty program and taking advantage of free and rapid deliveries, exceptional offers, or music and video streaming services.
I resisted not because I am in war with Amazon or the GAFA (acronym used in France for Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon), but because I considered that I did not order often enough to benefit from free deliveries and also because the world of streaming left me completely uninterested.
All this until the moment I watched an American program on TV, and saw that a new series with Jean-Luc Picard was coming soon on Amazon Prime! Jean-Luc Picard ! My God ! This is news!
He was coming back straight from my adolescence to wake me up again. When Star Trek The Next Generation was passing in Greece, I used to get up at 7am every Saturday MORNING to watch the next episode on TV; me who hated at that time getting up early. But for Jean-Luc Picard and his crew, I was up and running (as the expression says) for the next adventure and engage a contact with new civilizations but also enjoy a holodeck session, an incredible invention that made me day dreaming, or keep hoping that one day we will invent the “magical” glasses of Geordi and blind people will be able to see at last, or admire the capacity of Deanna Troi to feel other people emotions and thus help the crew to escape from delicate and sometimes dangerous situations, or, to finish, watch how William Riker's personality evolved (so disobedient to orders but finally so loyal to the values of his crew) and of course have fun with Data who was so distant but so close to everyone.

Civilizations of a superior intelligence and often with much more advanced technology, that tested the openness of the Federation Federation by putting everyone in danger, or primitive civilizations, in danger at times, that merited an altruistic, pacifist and an equal to equal relation with the Federation. And of course a civilization that assimilated everything at its path (we are the Borg) with no respect to others as to create a collective conscience and exist, but also impose to all, their obsession for perfection that characterizes their world. I was also there during hostilities with the Romulans, sworn enemies of the Federation, who remained still a great threat against the openness of the Federation and its pacifist policy.
I loved Jean-Luc Picard for his openness, his curiosity, his patience and his understanding of all situations where a change towards the unknown was expected. Thus this new series got my full attention to the point that I started to be interested in streaming video, because content is KING after all, and to conclude it was original content that got me to this new form of content distribution.

Why Jean-Luc Picard left his retirement? Isn’t he a bit old for that? But then again, we are never old enough to try to understand a new world, if we really want this, even if our body is fading gradually!
So engage!
Bien à vous,