Light French Flan – Three perfumes

The French Flan is a traditional French dessert. When made with its crust and whole milk it is delicious. But who says that a light flan doesn't exist? You can have a good flan, or even a delicious flan, once you’ve learned to eat with less fat and without a lot of sugar.

The base recipe from Weight Watchers (without crust) is here available in three flavors: orange blossom, vanilla or chocolate. It's up to you to choose the one you prefer, or just make them all :) 

In two words:

“What often avert us from relinquishing to one vice is that we have many”.

To Start...

difficulty easy
preparation– 5’
cooking - 45’
serves - 3 (for classic size ramekins) or 4 (for smaller ramekins as those in the pictures)


Base Recipe

  • 50gr of flour
  • 1 medium egg
  • 20gr of caster sugar
  • 250ml of milk
  • a bit of butter to cover the ramekins

Option #1 - Orange Blossom

  • 1 tablespoon of orange blossom
  • 1 level teaspoon of brown sugar per ramekin

Option #2 – Vanilla

  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 level teaspoon of brown sugar per ramekin

Option #3 – Chocolate/Cinnamon

  • 15gr of unsweetened cacao powder
  • 1 very small pinch of cinnamon


Base Recipe

  • Preheat the oven at 180°C
  • Butter three ramekins
  • In a medium bowl, add the sieved flour
  • Add the egg and bring everything together with a whisk
  • Once the egg is absorbed, add the caster sugar and combine everything again with the whisk
  • Add little by little the milk and keep whisking with the whisk each time you pour a bit of milk

Option #1 - Orange Blossom

  • Add the orange blossom and keep whisking
  • Pour the mix into the ramekins with a ladle
  • Bake into the oven for 45’
  • Once out of the oven, sprinkle the brown sugar on top of each ramekin and put them again to bake in the grill this time for 2-3’ until the sugar has caramelized
  • Let them cool a little bit and enjoy!

Option #2 – Vanilla

  • Add the vanilla extract and whisk again
  • Pour everything into the ramekins with a ladle
  • Bake into the preheated oven for 45’
  • Once baking is over, sprinkle the brown sugar over each ramekin and bake them again for 2-3’ in the grill as for the sugar to caramelize
  • Let them cool and enjoy!

Option #3 – Chocolate/Cinnamon

  • Sieve cacao and cinnamon into the mix and whisk
  • Pour the mix into the ramekins with a ladle once cacao is dissolved into the milk
  • Bake flans for 45’
  • Let them cool (if you can) and enjoy!


This is a classic Weight Watchers (WW) recipe for French flan. It’s very easy to prepare and very light because there is no crust and it contains very little sugar. If you use semi-skimmed (or skimmed) milk, which by the way is prescribed by WW, it becomes even lighter!

The chocolate/cinnamon option is a more gourmand version that I developed, because life is better with a bit of chocolate and the cinnamon give some sparkle and makes everything more interesting!

After one day, you should put the ramekins into the refrigerator. These French flans are also very tasty even cold :)


Sioux Berger, Diglee, Mon cahier Weight Watchers: Trucs et astuces pour mincir avec un petit budget, Marabout, 2014

o-o C'est si bon ! o-o

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