
Meat has a force so obvious that is no longer interesting. The question is how to cook meat in a gentle and thus interesting way! Stews manage to do this because of their velvety nature that is like a gentle touch to our heart and brings us instant comfort. Meat cooked in the oven, or grilled, or à la plancha can also be velvety depending on its cooking time. Nevertheless and in any case, it must be cooked with low fat because if not the result is heavy and unpleasant. But, what kind of meat?

The latest Weight Watchers approach is to push people towards low fat meat like poultry and turkey, but when we manage to control how much we eat (quantities), then we can eat meat that is a bit more heavier on fat (eg lamb pork, or some parts of beef or vial) but as always we need to continue controlling the fat we use to cook this meat.

I know that I insist a lot on fat but I do so because I know that we can make good or even very good food, without using a lot of fat, and if we do so, we win the bet on healthy eating, especially if we use olive oil and leave out cream and butter :) Try my recipes and tell me what you think!

Maryland fried chicken
Food from Around the World

Maryland Fried Chicken

An American fried chicken not as usual! Why? Because it’s cooked slowly into clarified butter and this makes all the difference! It comes from an old recipe in an old book that it’s not forgotten after all! Try it, you worth it!

friture de porc à la japonaise
Food from Around the World

Fried pork as in Japan

A fried pork as if it was “tonkatsu” in smaller bites ;-) It has a quite powerful sauce made with fresh ginger, soy sauce, mirin and saké! So nice! Just give it a try ;-)

curry de boeuf - madoo curry
Food from Around the World

Beef Curry – Madoo Curry

A beef curry without curry! You make your own curry (!) and it’s easy ;-) You use coriander, turmeric, cumin, chili and mustard seeds! The beef is cooked slowly in a pan and at the end you add coconut milk! So good and surprisingly powerful ;-)

tournedos à la sauce vigneronne et croûtons

Tournedos with vigneronne sauce and croutons

The vigneronne sauce is rather simple to make and has very nice perfumes and flavor! It goes very well with beef, and croutons with shallots bring some crunchiness but are even better with the sauce and the meat! It’s a recipe coming from the Ritz in Paris and its school called “Escoffier”! It certainly worth the detour!

Kibbeh – Beef Meatballs like in Lebanon
Food from Around the World

Kibbeh – Beef Meatballs like in Lebanon

These beautiful keftas are very special because they come with a feeling of ground beef, onion, pine nuts, cinnamon and allspice! Outside this filling we create something like a thick cream with ground beef as well, but also with bulgur and we season it with cumin, allspice and mint! It’s deeply fried and so surprisingly good!

Veal escalope with cream and mushrooms
For Beginners

Veal escalope with cream and mushrooms

This is a very simple escalope that in the base recipe uses cream, garlic and mushrooms and in an additional option uses white wine and thyme! Both versions are good and just need to try them and find which one you prefer :-)