A very simple orange salad with a cinnamon twist for more flavor! It’s very easy to make and really good! Try to make it and see for yourselves :-) Cinnamon goes very well with orange, you will be pleasantly surprised!
In two words:
“Smile to the spring wind”
Chinese Poetry
To Start...
difficulty – easy
preparation– 5’
cooking - no need
serves - 2
To Sum-up...
- Peel the orange
- Slice the orange into rounds of 1cm of width
- Get each round of orange and slice small triangles of orange
- Put everything into a bowl
- Add the brown sugar
- Sprinkle a twist of cinnamon on top
- Toss everything together
- You can place it in the refrigerator for a while, but if you prefer you can taste it immediately :-)
- Simply delicious!
o-o C'est si bon ! o-o
- Categories: Vegan Food, Vegetarian Food, Special Food, Desserts, Recipes
- Ingredients: cinnamon, orange, cassonade