A potato puree with garlic is a classic traditional side-dish called skordalia or σκορδαλιά . It’s a side dish that is traditionally served with fried cod but it can be served with other fried dishes especially veggies :-) In this version, it has a velour texture thanks to its cooking in a steamer pot :-) Try it and tell me all about it!
In two words:
“In every poetry, chaos needs to pierce through the regular veil of order”
Novalis, Henri d’Ofterdingen
difficulty – easy
cooking - 25’
serves - 2
- 4 potatoes of medium size
- 2 teaspoons of olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of Xérès red wine vinegar or any other red wine vinegar
- 2 pinches of fleur de sel or coarse salt
- 5 turn mills of Kampot black pepper
- 2 cloves of garlic of medium size
- Peel and wash the potatoes
- Slice them in medium size rounds and place them into the steamer pot
- Cook the potatoes for 25’, at the end they should be quite tender and soft
- Peel garlic and slice it in medium size pieces
- Place the potatoes into an electric chopper
- Add the garlic
- Pour the olive oil and the vinegar
- Add salt and pepper
- Start the machine and insist long enough as to form a fine puree; at the end you should get a velour texture that is quite thick as there is very little fat in this dish
- The puree is really good! Enjoy!
What’s the story behind this recipe?
This is a traditional Greek side-dish and it’s served with fried cod especially on the 25th of March, the day of the anniversary of the Greek revolution against the Turks which lead to the end of the Ottoman occupation of Greece for 400ans!
The Greek name of the dish is skordalia or σκορδαλιάand it can be made also with bread instead of potatoes, it also has much more olive oil in it. But, I prefer this version which is light and tender thanks to its texture which is due (I think) to cooking potatoes in a steamer pot.
You can use it as a side-dish with other types of fried dishes and especially fried veggies! Feel free to adjust the quantity of garlic to your wishing by adding more or removing some!
It’s up to you!
o-o C'est si bon ! o-o
- Categories: Greek Food, Vegan Food, Vegetarian Food, Special Food, Starchy Food & Quiches, Veggies, For Beginners, Recipes, Savory Food
- Ingredients: garlic, olive oil, potatoes, vinegar