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This puff pastry is made quickly and even if it’s not very fluffy like the industrial ones, it’s still very good and you can prepare it in 30’ which is a new record for puff pastry! It is very tasteful and it’s worth to take a change and make it because once you’ve understood the technique then it’s a children game ;) Take the challenge and do it! and of course tell me all about it :-)
In two words:“Just take my word on this: I think she is gifted with a terrible gift, Intelligence”.
Auguste de Villiers de L’Isle Adam, Axel
difficulty – easy
preparation- 30’ + 1h (resting in the refrigerator)
cooking - according to your needs
serves - 2 ou 145gr de pâte
- 50gr of very cold unsalted butter
- 65gr of all-purpose flour
- a bit of salt
- Stir together the flour and a bit of salt
- Slice the cold butter in small dices
- Add the butter into the flour in a blow and work the ingredients together with your fingers
- As you work ingredients are forming a dough; if not just add a little bit of very cold water
- Spread some flour on the working bench
- Shape a rectangle with the dough
- With the rolling pin, press in the middle (1) and then on the top (2,3) successively as to spread the dough and form a longer rectangle; if it becomes sticky just sprinkle some flour on the rolling pin and the dough but brush exceeding flour from the dough
- Fold the dough into three to form a kind of envelop
- Turn the dough clockwise 90 degrees, sprinkle some more flour and brush the exceeding flour from the dough
- Repeat this technique flour-brush-spread-fold-turn 5 time in total (5 turns)
- Close the dough into a plastic wrap
- Put the dough into the fridge for at least 1h
- Use it as normal puff pastry
Recipe from Christophe Felder in Tartes et Clafoutis, La Martinière, 2016 (*)
If you want to see this technique (flour-brush-spread-fold-turn) in action, watch this video with Philippe Conticini who is a great Pastry Chef, he was elected the best Pastry Chef in the world and has invented the verrines! He explains it really well but the full standard technique (not the quick one) takes much more time (which is normal for professional doughs)! Of course doughs prepared with his technique (dedicate much more time) are better in taste! Chose according to your needs and time!
(*) I will add the exact reference once I have acces to my book again.
o-o C'est si bon ! o-o
- Categories: Recipes, Base Recipes
- Ingredients: butter, flour