Green salad with dried garlic flakes and Xérès vinegar

Another green salad? Yes because this is THE green salad thanks to the dried garlic flakes, which in France is called ail semoule or semolina garlic and it’s true that ail semoule is by far much more delicate in shape than the photos I found on the Internet about garlic flakes when I was trying to find a translation, and it might be even more delicate in taste because I have never tasted dried garlic flakes, but it’s all I could find as a translation. Nevertheless, I think that you can find semolina garlic, which is a French condiment even outside France, and if you do find it, give it a try because it’s really good. This is also THE green salad due to the Xérès vinegar which is a red wine vinegar with fine taste, you can use instead classic red wine vinegar but the taste is not the same.

The Xérès vinegar is an ingredient that I discovered in France because in Greece we did not have it when I was living there, but I found that its taste was the closest thing I could find in France to have a red wine vinegar because in Greece I always used a good red wine vinegar that even if it was an industrial product, it has tarragon in it! It was very good but the Xérès vinegar was good enough for my early years in France or even now :)

In two words:

“…if Cassio do remain,
He hath a daily beauty in his life
That makes me ugly”

To Start...

difficulty easy
preparation– 5’
cooking -  no need
serves - 1-2  


  • 3 big pinches of salad (mesclun, corn salad) (*)
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • 1 full teaspoon of Xérès vinegar (or red wine vinegar)
  • ¾ of a teaspoon of dried garlic flakes or ail semoule
  • 2 small pinches of fleur de sel or coarse salt
  • 7 turn mills of Kampot black pepper


  • Wash and spin the salad until dry
  • Place it in a bowl
  • Add in small bowl:
    • the olive oil
    • the vinegar
    • the dried garlic flakes
    • salt and pepper
  • Blend everything well together using a teaspoon or a whisk
  • Pour the sauce over the salad
  • Toss well by using two tablespoons and cover the salad leaves with sauce
  • Serve and enjoy with a little bit of cheese (that is if you eat or like cheese) and some bread
  • Really nice!


This is a recipe coming from my friend Marc (!) and it’s really good! Just try it and you will see what I am talking about :) 

(*) You can additionally add some red oak leaf salad,if you like it :)

o-o C'est si bon ! o-o

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