Some years ago pasta and rice helped me to lose a lot of weight in a Weight Watchers context and even to maintain the weight loss afterwards; but I had eaten too much of them so now I eat them more scarcely. Nonetheless, pasta and rice are still an important comfort food that when combined with low fat sauce can make wonders.
In the family of starchy food we also find leguminous (eg. lentils, beans, chick-peas etc), this type of food is a part of my tradition as Greek and is pushed by Weight Watchers because it is healthy and satiating! In Greece, we often make soups out of them, but I discovered other recipes that valorize them and that I share with you. Try them and you will see the difference :)
And now you will ask, how on earth QUICHES can be good for dieting? The secret resides with the quantity we eat and the quantity of cream and cheese we are using to make them. Manage cream and cheese are the only solution to make light quiches because as we all know crust (brisée or feuilleté) has butter in it (or other type of fat) and I have not yet managed to diminish its quantity enough to make a good one :) But then again, I have not really tried! Maybe I will do it in the future, I will keep you posted.

Lentils and mushrooms cream with thyme
A cream of lentls and mushrooms with thyme for a final result that is fine and tasteful. You can eat it alone or use it as a side dish!

Lentils salad with carrots, onion and celery
A beautiful salad with green lentils and veggies sliced in small cubes for more savor and with a vinaigrette with lemon and mustard for even more taste :-) If you are vegetarian and not vegan, you can eat them with a poched egg! It’s really delicious with or without the egg! It’s your choice :-)

Lasagna with summer squash and goat cheese
Lasagna with summer squash, goat cheese and mint! It’s a beautiful white version of lasagna thanks to the cheese béchamel sauce that assembles all ingredients into a perfect match! Give it a try!

Basques Croquettes with Bayonne ham
Classic croquettes that we eat at the Pays-Basque and that are soft on the inside and crispy on the outside :-) It’s really nice and easy to make! Give them a try :-)

Bread with leeks and feta cheese
A Greek bread with leeks and feta cheese and with a texture like a dense pancake that makes all the difference :-) We use yellow cornmeal for a sweet character :-) It’s really easy to make :-) Give it a try!

Light cake with dried tomatoes and feta cheese
This is a light cake with dried tomatoes, feta cheese and basil that comes from a very tasteful Weight Watchers recipe :-) Give it a try and you will not regret it ;-)