earl grey

Earl Grey

This is a fine dessert that celebrates Earl Grey tea and it does it with great success. Prunes go very well with the rest of the ingredients, and the two biscuits (frangipane and lady fingers) go together wonderfully with the sabayon cream flavored with this fine tea!

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Semolina Halva

Semolina Halva

This is a vegan dessert which is delicious and has a long tradition in Greece. The semolina is cooked and roasted into olive oil and then is soaked into a nice syrup which is perfumed with lemon zest and cinnamon! You can also find dried raisins and almonds for more flavor!

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viennoiseries danoises - en forme d'étoile

Danish Pastry

This recipe contains two types of Danish pastry: one in form of a star and with a filling of brown sugar (or rapadura sugar if you can find it), orange and cinnamon, and a second one in form of small snails with a caster sugar filling and some apricot jam on top! Both recipes require your attention and time but the result is so good that it simply worth it!

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